Silent gratitude isn't much use to anyone. ~G.B. Stern
Thank you life,
for being the perfect teacher every day. For showing patience, for understanding. For expressing your opinion through your sealed lips.
Thanks for poverty, for it teaches me not to pity, but to help the unfortunate.
Thanks for hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanoes, storms, for they have shown me nature's beauty can be found even in the worst of times.
Thank you life for the suffering undergone, for it teaches me strength comes from within, and to search for it constantly.
Thank you for friendship, for I have learned the importance of love unconditional.
Thank you for the tears, for they have given me sensibility.
Thank you life for laughter, for it has lifted my spirits even in the worst of times.
Thanks for debt, it has taught me to become a better administrator of my blessings.
Thank you for newer enemies, for they have taught me future carefulness.
Thank you life, for death, for it has taught me nothing lasts forever.
Lesson Learned: Thank you always, life, for all the lessons learned...