Monday, December 31, 2007

Media luna...

Y se detuvo el tiempo
Y se detuvo mi alma
Y aún el palpitar agitado interno
Ante el reflejo de esos ojos
Que me inundaron de memorias
Y decidí ahogarme un segundo
Muriendo preso del embrujo
De tu sonrisa traviesa
Las estrellas
La laguna
La voz
La media luna
Fue testigo del regreso
Fue espía del suceso
Del evento
De un mismo aliento
Del cálido contacto
De tu abrazo tímido
Que desapareció
Ante la fuerza del deseo
Y mecidos bajo el viento
Entre la inmensa oscuridad
Y la mirada de Marte
Y bendición de Orión
Desaparecieron cual fantasmas
Las inhibiciones
Del pasado incierto
Del misterio temido
Vencido por atrevimiento
Dejando todo a un lado
Ante la orquesta de grillos
De coquíes y del viento
Bajo la media luna
Y su mitad escondida
Juntamos por primera vez
Los cálidos labios
Para darme vida
Para quedar encantado
Y grabé tu risa
Dibujé tu mirada
Para llevarme la memoria
Del eco del momento
Y se detuvo el tiempo
Y se detuvo mi alma
Y aún el palpitar agitado interno
Ante el reflejo de tus ojos

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Everlasting peace...

“Tread lightly with the gift of another’s heart … treat it with the utmost care, for there is nothing in this world more precious and fragile”
-Whitten Hall

Get a blank piece of paper and a pen.

Who is the person that means the most to you right now? Write the name down.
At least, what is the first name that comes to your mind?

Think about what you would say to that person today, right now, if you somehow knew that person would pass away tonight. Express yourself fully.

When those close to us pass away some part of us dies with them. A silent void gapes open inside our very hearts and minds, and our days feel as passing slowly. Pain rears its ugly head and crushes us with its unmerciful grip as we fade into the unconsciousness and darkness of oblivion.

Our brain moves back in time from the warm summer we live in to the spring we lived through and created together. Memories bloom like flowers and color our existence. We laughed together at silly things, cried watching a stupid film, argued about things that don’t really matter, painted a house, drove to the theatre, baked a cake, bought gifts, fed the cat…we did it all, and yet we didn’t do enough, for it is never enough when you love someone.

Destiny’s cruel hand, in the flicker of a candle light transports some of us to the cold winter that separated us. The darkest recesses of that deep dungeon in that same so-capable-of-loving heart release the monsters of our putrid past like creatures in a gladiatorial arena. We fight to remember the good things, versus the bad.

The real danger comes when fall arrives, for even though the landscape seems so beautiful everything is dying around us and we may get caught, and trapped, in this deathly illusion. And so we are filled with quiescence, solitude, emptiness, sadness, depression…

Those who pass away cannot express themselves anymore. One way or another they have already left their mark. Time passes by, and we carry the legacy of that someone engraved in our beings. How will we live from now on that they’re missing?
Much like our friends around the corner and those who moved to different places they are not missing, they are missed…but still there.

Know that, for one thing, they are at peace. So don’t drown yourself in an ocean of memories that’s quiet, that’s so calm…

Lesson learned: It is up to us to choose the season we will live in. It will not change their past, but it will change our future.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Who rules...

'He who reigns within himself and rules his passions, desires, and fears is more than a king.'

-John Milton(1608-1674)

Have you wondered why you don’t succeed at a particular endeavor? Have you ever felt as if after all the hardships and struggling to find your way you end up at the shore of a stormy sea and there’s nothing you can do about it?

If you have felt that way, if you have lost all hope let me tell you one thing: you are just focusing on the wrong obstacle. We as humans can overcome anything, with the right tools, and with our mind set to it.

David(in the Bible) defeated Goliath, the giant, with a slingstone to his forehead. He was small, he was weak, but he was brave and strong-willed.

Now, we all have our giants, each to its own.

What is your giant? Is it drugs taking control over your life?

Is it alcohol not allowing you to be happy without it?

Is it risk behavior and the thrill of it being the only thing filling you?

Does your giant have a name?

Is it a sick partner?

Is it depression?

How many times have you said ‘this is the last time’ and failed? You are saying that to yourself, no one really cares.

Identify your giant, decide once and for all to use all your might and your sling to finish its curse in your life…or see your life waste away. It will be hard, I know. It will feel as if you lose your life when you lift this curse, but you will actually be regaining the reins of your own destiny.

You think you can take control of your life? If so, then too bad.

You shouldn’t think you can, you have to be sure. Doubt breeds inaction.

To all of you who are brave enough to evolve and become a better person I say ‘hail’, to all those who don’t I say ‘good luck’ for only luck will allow you be happy.

Lesson learned: Despite what anyone can say or think I AM TAKING control of my life.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Recognizing recognition…

‘Man, I have never loved like this, it feels good to know you are in my life’

‘Life has no boundaries. The only boundaries it has are the ones you create….’
-Wes Pine in Living a dream

Have you ever felt everything around you ceasing to exist as time stops? Your life feels like a movie where everything gets distorted except for the focus of your newly caught attention. The only thing you can see and hear is moving right in front of you and you can say 'recognition'.

And what is this recognition? I define it as the moment and event when the soul of a person recognizes another as a mate, as a friend, as someone that could be(and will be, in most cases) close enough to touch the vibrating essence of our hearts, close enough to play the strings of our harps and emit a new melody that will reverberate and echo throughout eternity.

It is not love, but the truest of lovers can feel it, their feelings potentiated and strengthened by this strangest of events.
It is not friendship, but could help develop the greatest friendships and alliances that could change the course of history someday.
It is not passion, but it could cause a conflagration that would dwarf passion’s own flame.

We come to envy children in movies who are closer than brothers, who laugh together, cry together and fall in innocent, true love with one another. I’m not talking love as in relationships. I’m referring to love in its purest of forms.

Some of us have never felt this in our lives. Some of us have and we can, despite the time, silence, distance, or death itself smile at the mere fleeting memory of that soul mate that still lives within us.

Don’t isolate yourself in the desert of your depression. There’s someone else out there somewhere who’s an oasis to your life.

Lesson learned: If you think the movie of your life may be almost over and you can already see the credits then search for the sequel.

Muda expresión...

Y me sumergí un día más en el silencio
En el espacio sepulcral de mi casa vacía
La frialdad de las sábanas acarició mi rostro
Cual manos de espectros desesperados
Cuyo eco es solo la burla
De aquellos que me arrebataron lo mío
Porque nunca lo fue y nunca será
Solo crujen mis dientes
Melodioso alarido del dolor revivido
Fresca traición mi vino añejado
Que baña tu sangre
Tus palabras clavadas con garras de acero
Te amo
Y te odio
Me marcho
Y me quedo
Te busco
Y te dejo
Te cuido
Y te olvido
Fantasma embrujado que acecha mi alma
Maldito recuerdo de abrazo perdido
De la cálida estatua egoísta
Estabilidad inestable
Esclavo eterno de Baco
Siervo indudable de Ares
Seguidor incansable de Afrodita
Victima pronta de Hades
¡Largo de mi mente
Fuera de mi vida!
Busco el exorcismo más puro
Para arrancar la raíz de tu sembrada amargura
Asesino impío del sentimiento
Descanso tranquilo
Me vengará la vida
Y llorarás encerrado en tu cárcel
Solo, abandonado, y viejo
Cansado de la sobriedad de tu embriaguez
Tu calabozo castigo merecido
Y te amo
Y me marcho
Y te dejo
Y te olvido

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Counter attack...

‘The best way to defend yourself is to stop doing it’
-The Puppet Master

What happens when you leave a room where you just had an argument with someone else? You feel relief, maybe even content with your decision of leaving.

Why? Probably because you have felt the argument was started by that other person who probably had ‘something against’ you.

Analyze this…

Why do you feel people have something against you? We are sensitive to criticism when our self-esteem is so low we counter it by thinking we are just greater than anybody else, and being so important, we can’t help it but be attacked.

Victim, according to Narratology, is defined as ‘a character who is conquered or manipulated by a villain’. Who, then, is the villain that plagues our lives?
It is easier to pick one, to name one, or even to make up one, than to recognize the real villain sabotaging our beings is the one you can only see in a mirror.

We strike back, sometimes blindly, and we end up hurting others, or even ourselves in the process. Sometimes what we hurt is our image, and lose face, and the respect of others.

For once, when an argument arises, stop to think ‘I am not being attacked’ and just listen to whatever the other person has to say. Maybe they’re right, maybe they’re not, but just to let someone ventilate while you wait quietly(AS HARD AS IT IS) will give you victory over your foe.

Get a piece of paper out and write ‘Why am I not being attacked’ when you feel like the World is against you. Then read it and proofread it, and you will see how much stronger you become.

Lesson learned: Drop your shield, the raging battles are present only inside YOUR mind.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Imaginary images…

‘Things are always much more than what they seem…or much less’
-The Puppet Master

This very morning I was taking a friend to the airport. Despite the turmoil inside his head he carried himself so calmly, probably the peace of mind that his ‘returning home’ would bring, the mere ignoring of the destruction which will inevitably happen if his life continues as chaotic as it is right now, or the effect of a medication.

He held a guitar in hand, a Colombian hat resting on his head, and a huge bag with sneakers that didn’t fit inside tied up to the outside belt. You would’ve thought he was a proficient musician, a South American traveler or just a misplaced youngster who moved out too fast to organize his own life effectively. He was all and none. He couldn’t even play the guitar, which was out of tune anyways.

What do you see when you see a white, young thin boy with long blond hair carrying a surfboard? Do you see a young, crazy, adventurous surfer? Or do you see just a young boy who wants to look like a surfer? Or even then, do you see a young boy who is perhaps carrying a surfboard somewhere, maybe to sell it. The fact is that this boy may be all three of those, or none.

If you see a woman crying alone, what do you see? Is she a woman who cries for the death of her son? Or is she crying out of despair, for she has no money, no home, and no food? Or even then, she might be crying out of happiness, for she has received a so long awaited blessing. She might be all three, or none.

Snails, always seem as cursed for their slowness at least take their time to think. Even monkeys sit down and analyze things before acting, even if the act they perform is not the best.

Lesson learned: What do we see? We are quick to judge. Don’t just see. Scrutinize, see beyond the beyond.