Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Te regalo...

Y casi me vuelvo loco

Pensando en que darte

Para poder probarte

Lo que estoy sintiendo

Regalarte la luna

Con gusto lo haría

Y de soledad

El sol lloraría

Pondría los mares

Frente a tus dos pies

Los peces y corales

Traería después

Adornaría tu almohada

Con aves más de una

Que susurrarían en tu sueño

La mejor canción de cuna

Peinaría tu cabello

Con la brisa del viento

Y acariciaría tus labios

Con mi mismo aliento

Y te daría el espacio

Si de todo fuese dueño

Aunque para tí aún eso

Sería muy pequeño

Por tanto te dedico

Lo único que tengo

Mi alma y corazón

Y mi pensamiento

Y casi me vuelvo loco

Pensando en que darte

Para poder probarte

Lo que estoy sintiendo

Monday, January 28, 2008

Sin todo...

Un día más sin algarabía

Con mis sueños vacíos

En mi cielo sin nubes

Sobre un mar sin peces

Un segundo sin tiempo

En las playas sin palmas

Como ríos sin cauce

O animales sin cría

Cual bebés sin aliento

Viene viento sin fuerza

Cazador sin presa

Un león sin rugido

Discurso sin oído

Canción sin letra

O represa sin agua

Lucha sin enemigo

Actor sin fama

Fuego sin llama

Sangre sin herida

O la muerte sin vida

Así sin sentido

Con nada y sin todo

Cual mi isla sin coquí

Son mis días sin tí

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Assistance needed...

'When the going gets tough...some people run like crazy chickens'

-The Puppet Master

Do you know a person who you feel is running a hundred miles an hour in the wrong towards their own doom? Have you been able to picture a very probable future where that someone has ended up colliding against a wall that is most immovable, only to end up bleeding, crying, if still alive at all? If you have, you surely have felt pity, sadness.

Have you done anything about it?

Knowledge of the outcome is not enough. Being able to point a finger and recognize the problem isn’t either. They are part of the solution, sure. The true solution lies in our lending a hand, not in our pointing a finger at the victim sinking in their own inner maelstrom, for that is more the job of modern religious figures.

By lending a hand I don’t mean ‘get so involved that you’ll be immersed in the problem’. I don’t mean ‘solve their problem’ either. Each to its own, each person must learn from their own hardships. Each one should grow like a cactus, through the desert on its own little piece of dirt.

Even though it is not your job, you sometimes will still go out of your own way to extend some help to a doomed character in the film you’re currently living through.
You will many times lend a hand to someone in need who will not only ignore it, but maybe even scorn it, or even bite it. I know that as a fact, I lived through it myself.
You know what you have to do then?

Guess what!


Lesson’s learned: Don’t get in someone else’s shoes, walk with them, and let them go the way they choose.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Celebrating celebrities...

‘Elvis has left the building!’

Do you have a picture of yourself with a celebrity? If so, where is that picture? Is it on a high place in your house for everyone to notice? Is it close to your bed?

Who’s your favorite celebrity? What’s his (or her) real name? What movies or songs can you name where your favorite celebrity was involved?

Can you see yourself running inside a mall (or at least rushing) just so that you can get a glimpse of that one celebrity you heard was buying there? Have you done it?


What is a celebrity but a person who is just recognized and followed by a bunch of people almost blindly?

What is a celebrity but someone who, by their own effort, fate, luck, or backstabbing of others has reached the floors where the spotlight of the world awaits for their entrance to the stage?

You never know when you’ll meet one of them, and when you do it is all a big event…

So, a piece of advice I give to you. Buy yourself a really good camera. The best you can, and get ready to photograph the greatest celebrity of all, yourself.

You have lived through a lot, enough for many movies and even sequels. Enough for books to be written, yet you have dedicated yourself to praise and recognize other people’s success. Just as true celebrities, perhaps you don’t see yourself as such. They run away from paparazzi, while you hide away from your own recognition.

In reality these so called ‘celebrities’ would run towards you to get pictures taken with you if they knew what you know about yourself. They would perhaps see more in you than you do, for that is exactly what we do with them.

Lesson learned: Smile, you are the best of actors in the best of films, My Life…all Oscars are yours!

Monday, January 7, 2008

Finders keepers...

‘I remember when you asked me for a cigarette, then cast it to the ground and stomped on it. I remember you saying “it’s kidding, give me another one” and did the same thing again. I remember your reply to me when I asked you: man, I just care for you enough to want to keep you from smoking, even if it makes you angry. You were the only one who seemed to care about me back then, thank you’

Where is your best friend now? Where is the one who you dared call ‘best’ at one time? Where is that person whose very name, when mentioned, still brings you back memories that draw a smile on your face? That being whose name you will never forget, for it was a person you loved…

Is your friend close to you? Is he/she far? Is that person even alive? Have you abandoned ‘that special someone’ because ‘life is way too busy so we went our own ways’?
If so, I can’t help but wonder…if he was the best of friends, why would I repay him with just relegating that person to a second tier in the ladder of my existence?

A friendship is defined as ‘a relationship which involves mutual knowledge, esteem, and affection. Friends will welcome each other’s company and exhibit loyalty towards each other, often to the point of altruism.’

Altruism by itself is the selfless concern for the welfare of another. Even Jesus Christ(is said to have) declared “No one has greater love than this, to lay down one’s life for one’s friends”.

So, if this is said about friends, imagine what could be said about the BEST of friends.

If that someone’s love kept you going at one time, if that person’s smile gave you strength, or if the mere company of that person made you grow up, even when your own immaturity may have separated you in the past, that person ought to know. Maybe he’s going through hard times and we, in our own ‘being too busy’ have forgotten to repay the greatest favor of all: WE WERE LOVED.

Don’t be ungrateful, make all the phone calls you need to, check the internet, write a letter and find out about your friend (with the same eagerness as you would find out about that very special Christmas’ gift you badly wanted) and say, in addition to whatever you need to say: ‘Thanks for being there for me, and thanks for being part of me, I love you, my best of friends’

Lesson Learned: Friends are friends forever, despite all wrong.

Saturday, January 5, 2008

Unexpected flowers...

‘Light a candle in someone’s heart and you will illuminate the world’

-The Puppet Master

Coming back home from another day at volleyball I would laugh at the many jokes my friends and I told. As I stepped out of the elevator a most surprising event unfolded. A flower arrangement sat right in front of the doorway to my apartment. Pink, green, yellow and orange…if I’d only known anything about flowers!

My soul trembled in wonder, who could’ve sent flowers to me? Or, more than who could have, who would have? Whoever did has not only changed my day but also perhaps influenced the course of my life’s river.

Why would a single flower cause an earthquake of emotions that would shake the very foundations of our existence? Why would colorful petals mesmerize me like the best poem ever written would do to a poet?

Know that it is not just the action itself, but the fact that it was performed by a stranger that gives it strength. It would be easily expected to receive anything on a holiday, but just on a simple, regular day?

If you want to change the World, if you truly want to leave a mark behind for your children and their own children to see you don’t have to write a book, sculpt a masterpiece or paint marvelously well. You can just give a flower to a stranger or if you’re too shy, just leave it dedicated to a total stranger and perhaps they will do the same.

Lesson learned: Don’t underestimate your power to change the course of history with but a single, simple action.