Thursday, April 24, 2008

Silence speaks...

‘If you really knew yourself you’d never feel alone’
-The Puppet Master

Try to recall the last time you sat alone in quiescence…

Was there ever a time where you left the noises of daily life behind to immerse yourself in deep thought? You probably can’t even remember.

Do we turn the tv on while we’re cooking on our own?
Do we listen to the radio when we’re in the shower?
Do we yearn for a partner, or roommate, or friend to come by?
Or oftentimes we go out of our homes to see more people?
We have come to fear being alone.

Why do we fear being by ourselves? Maybe because we are afraid of what our conscience will reveal to us about ourselves.
Or probably because we confuse loneliness with solitude…

Loneliness is the emotional state in which a person experiences a powerful feeling of isolation and emptiness. It involves a feeling of being cut off, disconnected and alienated from others.

Now, solitude is a state of seclusion or isolation that may stem from deliberate choice. Short term solitude can often be valued as a time where one may work, think or rest without being disturbed. It may be desired for the sake of privacy.

Take some time to be with yourself, to learn yourself and love yourself. Do not read, do not sing, just be…
Sit in front of the beach, gaze into the horizon, and let your mind wander. Try not to force yourself to think of something, do not even force your mind to go blank as in ‘meditation’. Do not act like someone, do not act like something else, just be…

By being yourself, and knowing yourself you will be able to change what you must change to do what you must do.

And you will grow, in silence…

Lesson learned: Do not fear your own consciousness, for doing so you’ll fear yourself and thus, you will never be at peace.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Boomerang effect…

'Give...and you shall receive'

How do you define giving?

A gift is the transferring of something without the need for compensation. It is a voluntary act requiring nothing in return. Even when, socially, it involves expectation or reciprocity, be it in the form of prestige or power, a gift is meant to be free.

Voluntary…what is it? It means of our own, free will.

What have you given to the world? What have you given to others? To life?
Selfishly (or many thereof) you may have lived for yourself, for self-gratification, in order to ‘enjoy life to its fullest’. In other words, you may have been but an immature child.

In some Asian countries giving has become a form of art. Just the act itself, the unselfishness involved, and the sacrifice made has even become a fundamental part of Buddhism.

It is curious, that even when we recognize we should give expecting nothing in return, our very human nature sets us to think of how we will directly or indirectly benefit from the act.

There are those who think that somehow the universe is connected, and the energy you spend (or send) you will receive back. Is it really so? Who knows, and discussing these beliefs goes beyond the scope of this blog, at least for now.

Some others believe that you give, and you perform acts of good, and you won’t necessarily get something good back.

Why would we complicate our lives thinking about such things? Why will we trouble ourselves with such trivialities?

Give your knowledge…
Give yourself…
And only expect back the gratification that you are doing the best you can for others. Just realizing that you had the power to hold something back, yet you decided to become part of all that is good, and that your contribution helped make a good thing will be the best reward you get.

Lesson learned: ‘A boomerang rewards you by not returning when it hits the desired prey. If it returns it accomplished nothing, it may be aiming for your head.’