‘She lives a life she didn't choose
And it hurts like brand-new shoes’
-Sade, in Pearls
What time of the day is it?
What has transpired since the moment you woke up after sleeping for…how long? Eight hours?
Did you have breakfast/lunch/dinner already?
Are you at work?
Then you are lucky…
Many out there sleep much less than you…
Many don’t have anything to eat…
Some can’t even hope to get a job…
…and we live under the same blue sky, our beautiful days lit by the bright sun that blesses us as it caresses our skin, and curses others with its scorching flames.
There are people out there in different countries that are so unfortunate they don’t even have our help. All they get from us is pity.
Well, for those of you who are blind, let me tell you one thing. You don’t have to cross the oceans to find people in misery.
Was that beggar in the corner truly a drug addict? Has he/she always been one? What if she was someone like YOU in the past?
Extend your hand to help another.
Lesson learned: Don’t think good things, DO good deeds.