“You are only as powerful as the combined forces of everything opposing you.”
– The Puppet Master
Are you powerless?
Do you feel powerless?
How many times have you felt like that, not weak, not tired, but frankly just powerless?
Hope diminishes, faith dwindles, smiles fade because we are overcome by the vastness of the infinite strength of the impossible.
For the first time in a long time, I feel this way… powerless.
And powerlessness is not always a bad feeling. How so?
Well, power is defined as the capability to produce an effect. It also denotes the possession of control, authority or influence over others. Power can also mean a measure of physical or mental strength. How do we measure the amount of strength?
By opposing it.
Therefore, how powerful we are could potentially be measured by the opponents or opposing forces standing in front of us.
Why do we have to constantly face struggle to show ourselves how powerful we are amidst our own unhappiness?
To be/feel powerless can be a great feeling when there is no need to exert force.
Take a moment to sit down and think of every perceived obstacle that makes you feel “powerful” through opposition.
One by one, dismantle these obstacles either by overcoming them, or by realizing they are obstacles/enemies only because we see choose to see them as such.
You will live a better life this way.
Lesson learned: Draining oneself of all power can sometimes fill us with peace.