Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Moon's faces...

One shining quality lends a luster to another, or hides some glaring defect.
-William Hazlitt

When that chaos raises its fiery reins there are those who stand firm, driving their sword on the ground and holding to it. There are also those who, in an attempt to avoid being the target of the stern gaze of scrutiny, would stab one's hand and hold on to one's sword because they know it was planted well.
Some survive and thrive by being parasites to others. There are those who i call 'Moons' who can't shine with their own light, and their only desire is to take the credit for other's work. Consumed by low self esteem, their own inability to achieve things can only be hidden by acts of betrayal, lies, or by pointing fingers at others. A funny thing to watch is how much initiative they have whenever there's credit to be taken for something they didn't really do.

What makes this even worse is that when these 'moons' lose their brightness, they will need another scapegoat, another victim, another 'sun' whose light they must steal, and they will not rest until they get it.

Remember who you are, and work hard for what you want. Fight bravely, give your last ounce of strength and then bathe in the shining light of your achievement. Be watchful, wary, for there are those who live to steal your work, and will do so without hesitation, for that alone is the goal they fight hard for.

Lesson learned: "Your glory, little moons, is not eternal. Keep flying and shining above all those who you have wronged. Bask in the glory that's not yours, and dance to the songs of wolves but be warned...they don't sing to you, they sing to the light you stole, and when you fall, they'll tear you to shreds."

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Reigning rain...

The rain doesn't mess up things...we do.
 -The Puppet Master

No matter who we are, when we wake up to see a rainy day we can't help it but stop, even if for a single second and admire the weather.
We become mesmerized by the hundreds of thousands of crystalline droplets that fall like diamonds spilled from a heavenly jewelry box.

A rainy day can be the representation of the melancholy we are living. As we stay home we realize we are alone. Immediately and unconsciously we sometimes run to turn the tv on so that its noise can keep us this imagined company.
This time inside a house can help us take time inside our home to reflect and learn, to cry and learn from past mistakes, from pain we caused but were proud enough to not ever admit it.

It can also be seen as the beautiful washing of the world itself from its nuisances and sins. The water drenching our heads allow us to reminisce of our childhood and how simple those times were. It can all feel like a baptism by the heavens that can allow us to start refreshed and anew one more time.

Some, more aggressive spirits choose to 'set fire to the rain', letting everything go to waste and turn to dust before being cleansed.

But dancing in the rain can be a celebratory event, where we laugh and frolic like the fey of legend.

All in all, the rainy day is and can be everything we want it to be.

Next time you are home and find it rains, leave your daily stressful life and just walk out, barefoot, look up and think of all that is good, of how great is to be alive, and think of how you can be not thunder, but refreshing rain in the lives of others, because again, we are and can be everything we want to be.

 Lesson learned: Have you walked in the rain to hide the tears rolling down your cheeks? I know I have...and it has made me a better person.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Having to...

There are three constants in life... change, choice and principles. 
Stephen Covey 

He was late...
 ...I was on time

It was the end of a long, rainy day. As I was about to head out of my office hurriedly a young man stepped in, forty five minutes late to his appointment. As was customary, I slung my bad over my shoulders in preparation for my long awaited freedom.
'Sorry for being late, doc, can you still see me?'

'Sorry, but I have to leave...' the words came out. Now, did I really HAVE to? Life is all about choices, and it is WE WHO DECIDE the course of action to be taken.
 'Sorry, but I HAVE TO say it, I know it hurts'
    'Sorry, but I HAVE TO move away, you can come after me'
       'Sorry, but I HAD TO sell it, I know you wanted it'

Where is it written as an universal law that we HAVE TO do something? 'Should do' and 'have to do' are two very different phrases.We don't absolutely have to do anything, and because we are ashamed of our (sometimes selfish) actions we add an empty 'SORRY' that pleases just our ears, but in reality does nothing else.

So I caught myself in that lie. 'To be honest with you I want to leave, but this time I won't.'
Half an hour later I was hearing the story of this young man, who was late and had made me mad at him for such 'sin'. But he wasn't simply late, his tardiness, my perceived 'insult' because he was at home thinking after a failed attempt to end his life.
And here I was being one of these fools saying 'I HAVE to leave'.

That day, my lack of arrogance, selfishness and dishonesty brought strength to someone else, and gave life to an experience that added experience to my life.

He was late...
 ...thank God, for I was right on time.

Lesson learned: The only thing in life we HAVE TO DO is choose. Choose wisely, for it will affect the future of how we live, laugh, and love.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Nada compara...

Nada compara
Ni las caricias del viento
llevando lágrimas al olvido
Ni la canción de ruiseñor
encantando el alma del viajero
Ni la espuma de una ola
dejando su nombre en la orilla

Ni el fruto jugoso
de un árbol en tierra virgen
Ni el cuerpo perfecto
de una obra hecha en mármol
Ni el sol, ni la luna, ni estrellas comparan
Con tu mirada y tu sonrisa
al despertar en la mañana
Nada compara

-The Puppet Master (excerpt from 'Live, laugh and love: the history between the lines of my story')

Nuevo comienzo...

                                                                        "Metamorphosis embracing Duality" Byron Tik

Mi música es sólo eco
Del crujir al andar
sobre el remanente
de mi caparazón roto
Pues vencido fui
Por mi misma fuerza
Habiendo atravesado
Cual tormentoso mar
En nave esbelta
El corazón con una lanza
para derramar el preciado
Tesoro liquefacto
Lágrimas sanquinolentas
Que alimentan el jardín
Que creí se había perdido
Tiembla el suelo de mi alma
Centella el trueno de mi voz
Quemando todo lo que fue
Dando paso a la ceniza
Que lleva y libera la brisa
Para cubrir mi tierra
De donde crece entre la nada
Donde brota de repente
Lo que nadie imaginó
Florecería entre las ruinas
Y así entre huracán
Lluvia y neblina
Salgo airoso nuevamente

    -The Puppet Master

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Scare crow...

“Scars are not injuries, Tanner Sack. A scar is a healing. After an injury, a scar is what makes you whole.” ― China Miéville, The Scar

Just one step down is needed,
one step away from my cross
into the sordid ground,
the fall that comes after my hands' release
the earth that laughs, that mocks, that marks the place
of my grounding, of the kneeling

A tree would feed on this ground
that drains my soul, but I'm no tree
I'm an empty shell of who I was,
a wounded soldier, a knight of straw,
a king of the realm of nothing
a warrior whose hands
have been the shield
and thus I've crucified myself

The choking hands of solitude
and desperation always by its side
caress my lips, claw at my face
to own my life and soul forever

But hear me, nothingness
hear the echo of my howl
I drink my tears
I never lose
I don't give up
I spread my wings of bone
and arm myself again
as Icarus returned

Lesson learned: Let your tears be the water that will feed your roots so that you may grow stronger every time.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Silence speaks...

"Sometimes silence speaks louder than words"
-The Puppet Master

As soon as you walk away having finished your conversation you look at your mobile phone to text and answer emails. Then you get in the car, make a phone call and engage in conversation. Immediately after being done (if not before) you turn the radio on. Honk the horn at someone else in perhaps the mildest form of road rage. You reach your destination and, after asked to wait for a brief few minutes, you sit down checking your phone again, or playing with an app.

We make time for everything. This way keep our brains active while our minds race. Racing in this road to nowhere, because it all ends one day...

Part of the reason why many seek Adderal, Ritalin, yoga, drugs, alcohol, you name it, is because we don't just suffer from stress, but we actively give stress the rope to hang us by the neck. Filled with this inner turmoil caused by ourselves we end up sabotaging our own happiness.

When was the last time you took five minutes, just five short minutes of your day to sit in silence, solitude, and listen to yourself without opening your mouth. Listen to the world, let your brainwaves lap the shore of your very essence and become not 'one with the universe' but one with yourself, with your inner universe.

This is not about energy, chakras, religion or auras, spells, yoga, tarot, horoscopes or reiki. This is about you giving yourself time to be at peace, in the quiescence of being with yourself.

Lesson learned: Before spending money on seeking answers, listen for them.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Clay jar...

"You don't die of a broken heart, you only wish you did.”
-Marilyn Peterson

The loud cracking sound echoes through the empty shell of a room once called a heart. Thousands of shards fly in every direction, some close enough...some small and far away...some never to be seen again... A few would indiscriminately pierce your skin and remind you of the vase that was, of the masterpiece that fell.

Now it is up to each and every one of us to decide how to act and what to see. A broken vase is not a vase, at least not the same. It can't hold water any longer. Regardless of the time spent collecting each broken piece to try and put it all together, if looked at closely, you'll see the cracks and missing pieces.
Fools play and juggle with fragile pieces, and the same fools desperately try to fix them once their idiocy has dropped the vase that now lies cracked. Let them pick up the shards if they want. Let their hands be wounded in their fruitless pursuit, for only a greater fool can think he can teach a fool.

Lesson learned: A broken clay jar, is not the same jar it was before, and it can never be. It cannot hold the water it once did, but it can certainly be displayed in that museum of our mind for us to remember precious things should not be handled by clumsy fools.