‘The grass is always greener on the other side’
At times you look carefully enough to notice the grass seems greener on the other side of the fence. What you don’t see as carefully is, though, that there's also barbed wire separating those sides, and crossing it can spell disaster. Not only is the crossing over treacherous enough, but as you make it you’ll notice the grass is just the same, it just seemed greener when the light of the sun shone upon it from a different angle.
Why look for a hidden treasure, why wish for what we don’t have?
We humans crave for more and more, our hunger never satisfied. Why don’t we instead take that same light and direct it to wherever we want it to shine. It is then when we will see we can be happy with what we have. The problem is not wanting more, don’t take me wrong, but when you can’t be happy until you catch that ever-fading dream you will never then be happy.
Fulfill your dream, but do it in yourself. Stop looking for your fulfillment anywhere else. Only you can fill your own void, permanently.
Lesson learned: The grass is greener wherever it is watered.
1 comment:
"It's not having what you want,
It's wanting what you've got."
-- Sheryl Crow
I think having desire for more and better is fine. Desire is the heartbeat of life. It motivates us to learn, evolve, improve. To have no desire is to have no reason to live.
The trick is to enjoy the level you're at now as much as your journey to a higher place. That kind of gratitude is the ticket to contentment and peace!
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