‘Take that, Puppet Master, muhuhahahaha!!’
-Brian, one of many times
As we rode into the darkness of the long road back home, like the four musketeers in a single black horse, time would seem to pass us by, smiling. The wind, the lights, the heavens, nature in all its glory seemed to stay content with just being witness to the event that was unfolding. It was as close to Nirvana as anyone could say. It was friendship in its purest of forms…and it was perfect.
Think of the one moment when you had the greatest of fun with those close to you…
Think of that one day, one hour, or even one minute when you laughed, smiled and even cried out of joy forgetting all the worries and problems you had been facing daily. It is one treasure we all have had, and somehow it slipped through our fingers and fell once again into the ocean of memories we float on.
The waves have abated it. The salt may have eroded these great times we lived in, but only because we believe so.
Open your eyes to a new future. Look at how clear the water underneath your feet is. You’re drowning only because you have chosen to lie down and surrender in what can be just a shallow pool of crystal clear water.
Seek inside, however deep, for those memories of old. See for yourself that the little treasure you forgot about once is still shinning, and feel the joy of those good times revive your dormant soul.
Lesson learned: Become the greatest pirate of all and dig for all the treasures you have, and may have just forgotten or ignored. Even better, be the greatest buccaneer and hunt for even more, filling your life with the joy true friendship and love can bring.
-Brian, one of many times
As we rode into the darkness of the long road back home, like the four musketeers in a single black horse, time would seem to pass us by, smiling. The wind, the lights, the heavens, nature in all its glory seemed to stay content with just being witness to the event that was unfolding. It was as close to Nirvana as anyone could say. It was friendship in its purest of forms…and it was perfect.
Think of the one moment when you had the greatest of fun with those close to you…
Think of that one day, one hour, or even one minute when you laughed, smiled and even cried out of joy forgetting all the worries and problems you had been facing daily. It is one treasure we all have had, and somehow it slipped through our fingers and fell once again into the ocean of memories we float on.
The waves have abated it. The salt may have eroded these great times we lived in, but only because we believe so.
Open your eyes to a new future. Look at how clear the water underneath your feet is. You’re drowning only because you have chosen to lie down and surrender in what can be just a shallow pool of crystal clear water.
Seek inside, however deep, for those memories of old. See for yourself that the little treasure you forgot about once is still shinning, and feel the joy of those good times revive your dormant soul.
Lesson learned: Become the greatest pirate of all and dig for all the treasures you have, and may have just forgotten or ignored. Even better, be the greatest buccaneer and hunt for even more, filling your life with the joy true friendship and love can bring.
It was perfect, hermano, and you captured it perfectly. That you also recognized the magic and value it speaks volumes to me.
Chronicles of Narnia author C.S. Lewis argued that the greatest of all types of love is friendship, because its purity stems from it being unnecessary. "To the Ancients," he said, "Friendship seemed the happiest and most fully human of all loves." He illustrates Lovers as looking at each other's faces, but Friends with their faces side by side and looking ahead.
But those who simply want friends can never make any good ones, Lewis said. "The very condition of having Friends is that we should want something else besides Friends... Friendship must be about something, even if it were only an enthusiasm for dominoes or white mice. Those who have nothing can share nothing; those who are going nowhere can have no fellow-travellers."
Sometimes we brush off the yearnings for unabashed romance, boundless joy, unshakeable contentment or forever friends as silly pipe dreams of youth. And because we believe them impossible, our beliefs come to pass.
How much happier we would be to keep our eyes on our dreams instead of the hurt and disillusionment of the past. Our past NEVER dictates our future. Let go of all the reasons why you think you'll never achieve your heart's desires. Dream big and enjoy the ride!
Oh I'm dreaming, and I will never wake up ;-)
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