‘If you really knew yourself you’d never feel alone’
-The Puppet Master
Try to recall the last time you sat alone in quiescence…
Was there ever a time where you left the noises of daily life behind to immerse yourself in deep thought? You probably can’t even remember.
Do we turn the tv on while we’re cooking on our own?
Do we listen to the radio when we’re in the shower?
Do we yearn for a partner, or roommate, or friend to come by?
Or oftentimes we go out of our homes to see more people?
We have come to fear being alone.
Why do we fear being by ourselves? Maybe because we are afraid of what our conscience will reveal to us about ourselves.
Or probably because we confuse loneliness with solitude…
Loneliness is the emotional state in which a person experiences a powerful feeling of isolation and emptiness. It involves a feeling of being cut off, disconnected and alienated from others.
Now, solitude is a state of seclusion or isolation that may stem from deliberate choice. Short term solitude can often be valued as a time where one may work, think or rest without being disturbed. It may be desired for the sake of privacy.
Take some time to be with yourself, to learn yourself and love yourself. Do not read, do not sing, just be…
Sit in front of the beach, gaze into the horizon, and let your mind wander. Try not to force yourself to think of something, do not even force your mind to go blank as in ‘meditation’. Do not act like someone, do not act like something else, just be…
By being yourself, and knowing yourself you will be able to change what you must change to do what you must do.
And you will grow, in silence…
Lesson learned: Do not fear your own consciousness, for doing so you’ll fear yourself and thus, you will never be at peace.
-The Puppet Master
Try to recall the last time you sat alone in quiescence…
Was there ever a time where you left the noises of daily life behind to immerse yourself in deep thought? You probably can’t even remember.
Do we turn the tv on while we’re cooking on our own?
Do we listen to the radio when we’re in the shower?
Do we yearn for a partner, or roommate, or friend to come by?
Or oftentimes we go out of our homes to see more people?
We have come to fear being alone.
Why do we fear being by ourselves? Maybe because we are afraid of what our conscience will reveal to us about ourselves.
Or probably because we confuse loneliness with solitude…
Loneliness is the emotional state in which a person experiences a powerful feeling of isolation and emptiness. It involves a feeling of being cut off, disconnected and alienated from others.
Now, solitude is a state of seclusion or isolation that may stem from deliberate choice. Short term solitude can often be valued as a time where one may work, think or rest without being disturbed. It may be desired for the sake of privacy.
Take some time to be with yourself, to learn yourself and love yourself. Do not read, do not sing, just be…
Sit in front of the beach, gaze into the horizon, and let your mind wander. Try not to force yourself to think of something, do not even force your mind to go blank as in ‘meditation’. Do not act like someone, do not act like something else, just be…
By being yourself, and knowing yourself you will be able to change what you must change to do what you must do.
And you will grow, in silence…
Lesson learned: Do not fear your own consciousness, for doing so you’ll fear yourself and thus, you will never be at peace.
It's perfectly normal to yearn for the company of others. We're social creatures, and most of us enjoy the benefits and pleasures of socializing.
However, good inner health involves a peace when you're by yourself. The more we turn off the noise and tap into ourselves, the better we know who we are and how to improve ourselves.
Silent meditation is one way to go beyond the chatter of your thoughts to the core of who you are. "Who you are" is not your past mistakes, your public image, your limitations, your worries, your so-called personality flaws. Rather, you're really a beautiful life-giving energy inside a body shell.
Communing with your true essence is like visiting an oasis, and it's just as revitalizing!
Awesome Blog Puppet Master!
But what if…
There is an individual who often wonder’s off in solitude and is always confused and haunted and by his own self (head) trying to find itself; and this performed action forces that individual to push himself away from society because he feels exiled from it.
Then we’d have to ask ourselves is solitude the most common, proper or even healthy way to try to find one self?; Or is it just a way of blaming or even harming ourselves for the things we have yet to accomplish and haven’t been able to do so?.
What is solitude then; beneficial to mankind?!?!
Is it just one more obstacle in our daily existence?
Or maybe a chance to get away and dream of the Ideal person we have always hoped to become inside a “perfect society”
What is “solitude” then?
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