‘Dying seems less sad than having lived too little’
-Gloria Steinem
…and gasping for air while clutching the hands to the chest in a desperate attempt to catch a single breath, it all ceased to exist…it all vanished…it all left…
What is death other than the termination of all biological functions within a living organism? Is it more than a moment of deep sadness, when someone ceases to be with us, or when we cease to exist.
It is even more than that, for when you drown in your life’s daily struggles, when you are defeated by sadness and overcome by grief you die. So we die a thousand deaths in life.
We can live many years without realizing we’re living a life of death, a ridiculous cycle perpetuated by our enjoyment of the bliss of our ignorance.
Every time you give up, every time you replay the painful memories in your mind, each time you sink into depression you die…
And you will miss all there is to life, and you will cry one day when you realize life is ebbing away and we’re wasting out time ‘thinking’ we are living it to our best.
Breathe in every morning, breathe out. Smile, and remember tough times are just that, time. If they are time they will pass eventually. Unless you revel in those sad nights where you feel like your soul is gasping for air while clutching the hands to the chest in a desperate attempt to catch a single breath, as it all ceases to exist…all vanishes…all leaves…and you return to being nothing.
Unlike most choices we undertake every day there are no gray areas here. Would you well, live a life of death, or would you die having lived well?
Lesson learned: Problems are a problem of the past. Life is here, and I’m not letting it go.