'Well-timed silence has more eloquence than speech'
Martin Fraquhar Tupper
Those who know me, however, know I won't stay quiet for long...
And I offer no excuse for my long absence, for sometimes the best words are never spoken.
What is silence? Silence is defined as the absence of speech. It can be the result of a brief hesitation, stutters, time for self-correction or slowing down for clarification of a subject.
Some of us see silence as a time to study, listen, evaluate. It is the greatest time for deep introspection.
What a few of us achieve with yoga, meditation, religion or music others can do in complete silence.
Lesson learned: When we stop listening to ourselves we can better understand what goes around us, and understanding is key to achieving a better life and finding a better self.
" , , ... !" :)
Buddhist and Christian monks alike are well-versed with the value of silence, with or without meditation. So much of each day is filled with chatter and noise that we may feel uncomfortable with a period of silence. But it is only by quieting our minds (and preferably our environment) that we can hear the "still small voice" deep within us, which is who we truly are.
Silence is the time for yourserlf, is when you get to disconnect from the world and look at everything from the sky... don't waste your time in life... shut up and listen...
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