‘You are the Light of the World. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden.’
-Matthew 5:14
(To my friend Jason, shine brightly)
A room is busting with the laughter and murmurs of all those inside. Quiescence seems to reign when a particular person walks in and, without saying a word, seems to brighten the room more than the strongest of lights.
You have certainly been there, maybe as one of the already present, or maybe as the one who walks in.
What does that newcomer has that attract others like moths to a new source of light? No one knows for sure, and that’s one of the reasons why people often think they are ‘falling in love’ so quickly. This new person has something they seem to lack, and their ambition, being stronger than their self-esteem, will drive them towards the source.
Is that person truly so handsome? Is it charisma? Oftentimes it is just a sense of security, the security we lack. On many other occasions it is just the feeling of happiness or completeness that someone irradiates.
Since it is easier to try to get close enough to bring something to our life rather than work inside ourselves to achieve it we yearn, we fight, we obtain, and then we yearn for the ‘next best thing’.
Look inside yourself and find that light that attract others, or that can attract others. Learn yourself, and change what you must change to shine a brighter light into the world, not to be the object of everyone’s attention, but so that you can help others find the joy of being the best they can be too.
Now be wary, your own light may blind you, if you look at it from the wrong angle.
Lesson learned: Shine your light as bright as possible, but beware of moths, for they flock around, they blind, and with their dying breaths and burning wings they dim you.
When we're born, we leave a dark space by going toward the light, toward life. And when we die, it is said that we go into the light, toward what lies beyond.
But what about the years between birth and death? How much time do we spend focusing on the darkness around us and inside us?
There will always be yin-yang opposites: love and hate, generosity and greed, joy and sorrow. What we spend most of our energy focusing on tends to determine what shows us in our lives.
So let's focus on the light: appreciating our blessings, dreaming of possibilities, choosing optimism, hoping for the best and anticipating change.
In order to lead you have to lead yourself, in order to love you have to love yourself...
Be the best you can be and never ever settle for seconds. Radiate light, so you can illuminate others.
Lead yourself to goodness, and others will follow; love yourself, and others will love you...
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