‘I have to admire Jesus’
-The Puppet Master
It feels awful to be so deeply hurt that even the tears refrain to make an appearance. Of the many experiences that shape lives I guess pain turns out to be a very loyal friend. Years after a painful event the mere memory of it can cleave into our heart and leave a bleeding gash. It was always there, we then realize. Pain just makes you believe the cake is freshly baked.
Amongst the worst kinds of pain is the one you feel after a betrayal. We are not perfect, nobody is. Some of us, though, try our best to help another being. We sacrifice our time, we fall in love, we modify our plans, we spend money, sometimes get in debt, only to one day be left behind when that someone is feeling better.
The grass is always greener on the other side… those wise words should be included in the Bible.
Beware of stray dogs. They may be wounded, their saddened eyes hiding their very true sick nature. You will feed them in order to not only do some good, but to truly aid some being. In the end a stray dog will still be a stray dog. It will sink its teeth deeply in your hand before it leaves for someone else’s care. All the time you dedicated serves nothing, for all he cares you’re one day running out of food, and he needs to find another source.
There are things worse than stray dogs…
Lesson Learned: ‘Parasites: a phenomenon in which two organisms which are unrelated co-exist over a prolonged period of time, usually the lifetime of one of the individuals’
Sounds like there's a stray-dog story behind this one.
And hopefully this blog is therapy for releasing the story -- forgiving but not forgetting. That means letting go of the emotion behind the experience while learning from the experience itself. As Jesus said, be wise as serpents but innocent as doves. This from a guy who was betrayed by one of his inner circle.
But I gotta take issue with one statement: "All the time you dedicated serves nothing." I believe nothing we do is wasted or useless. Every action has a reaction, every cause has an effect. It's built into the fabric of the universe. If I am betrayed by someone I trust, there's an effect or benefit that does or could come out of it.
We can maximize our happiness by learning without mistakes. But doesn't experiencing contrast teach us some of the greatest lessons? How can we know/appreciate contentment without discontent, joy without sorrow, compassion without pain?
When you look at life that way, is there ever any real excuse for regret?
I agree with you.
What I actually meant when saying "all the time you dedicated serves nothing" I actually tried to express what people may think or feel sometimes. It is not what I believe.
Thanks for helping me note that It should've been more clear.
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