‘Every single little thing, if seen on its own, is valuable’
-The Puppet Master
So you’re sitting there, in front of this electronic device. Many of you have taken a step forward in life and have determined to try and appreciate things more. Well, there are very small, insignificant things that may have been overlooked…
Who served your coffee this morning? Who is that person and what does it mean to you? He might be just an anonymous guy serving coffee, but that anonymous guy helped you start your day off in a particularly good mood. If it wasn’t for him you’d get to work late(or even later if you’re already so).
Who was that lady in the car at your side while you drove to work? She’s just one lady driving her vehicle, but yet you recall her face, and maybe her smile however faint. Who is she, and what does she mean to you? She may well be just an aged woman, but she smiled at you, and a smile is always responded, conscious or unconsciously.
Who’s the security guard, the janitor, the policeman, the little child across the street? Who are they, and what do they mean to you in the never-ending chaotic turmoil of your life.
Now, who is the person you sometimes kiss in the morning? Who is that someone who cuddled with you in the cold of the night. It might not mean much, but that someone’s proximity would help you comfort in your sleep. Who is he whose eyes pierce your very essence and make your drawn weapons fall to the ground? Who is he, and what does he mean to you?
Have you forgotten? To truly appreciate life one must appreciate all the little things around us, and all the big things our ungratefulness makes appear little.
Lesson learned: Every single little piece of candy is sweet. Like each day in love, it should be truly appreciated.
-The Puppet Master
So you’re sitting there, in front of this electronic device. Many of you have taken a step forward in life and have determined to try and appreciate things more. Well, there are very small, insignificant things that may have been overlooked…
Who served your coffee this morning? Who is that person and what does it mean to you? He might be just an anonymous guy serving coffee, but that anonymous guy helped you start your day off in a particularly good mood. If it wasn’t for him you’d get to work late(or even later if you’re already so).
Who was that lady in the car at your side while you drove to work? She’s just one lady driving her vehicle, but yet you recall her face, and maybe her smile however faint. Who is she, and what does she mean to you? She may well be just an aged woman, but she smiled at you, and a smile is always responded, conscious or unconsciously.
Who’s the security guard, the janitor, the policeman, the little child across the street? Who are they, and what do they mean to you in the never-ending chaotic turmoil of your life.
Now, who is the person you sometimes kiss in the morning? Who is that someone who cuddled with you in the cold of the night. It might not mean much, but that someone’s proximity would help you comfort in your sleep. Who is he whose eyes pierce your very essence and make your drawn weapons fall to the ground? Who is he, and what does he mean to you?
Have you forgotten? To truly appreciate life one must appreciate all the little things around us, and all the big things our ungratefulness makes appear little.
Lesson learned: Every single little piece of candy is sweet. Like each day in love, it should be truly appreciated.
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