‘Our lives are open books waiting for an avid reader to digest and interpret its words’
The Puppet Master
What is your favorite movie? Is it an epic film? Is it fantasy, romance, or horror? Whatever the type, you surely remember the events that took place in it and, more importantly, you remember the characters that caused them.
You surely don’t remember the type of trees or the direction the wind was blowing when the queen of the elves rejected the One Ring at the Lord of the Rings movie. You do remember, however, when Frodo was standing before her, and you surely remember the inner struggle she felt and how she almost failed, but didn’t.
You don’t remember, I’m sure, how many people Chucky killed in the first 3 movies (if you do you might need professional help). You do remember, however, who Chucky was, and you remember the child he was after, and perhaps the child’s mother.
And I’m sure you don’t remember which way Nettie went when she was kicked away from Albert and Celie’s home, in The Color Purple, but you do remember Nettie, Shug, and Sofia, and what each one of them represented.
Now, what does each one of your friends represent in your life?
Think of your enemies, opponents, nemesis, however you want to call them, and what does each one of them represent to you. How has each one of these people shaped your life? Think also how have YOU SHAPED YOUR LIFE in response to what these people have represented in your eyes?
Take a minute to think of these, and analyze your life as if it was your favorite film.
Think of how you see yourself, how you would describe yourself before continuing.
Now, think of what role have you played in other’s people’s lives, and how you have helped shape and mold the way they see the world. Who have you been, and what have you represented?
Have you been the loyal sidekick always ready to lend your aid? Have you been the stalwart guardian watching someone's back? How about a benevolent scholar always giving the advice needed, or the wise mentor teaching the ropes? Have you portrayed a fickle dancer, a clumsy bufoon or a charming entertainer? Have you been the street whore, the evil queen, the hated witch, or the murderous assassin of the heart? Maybe you have been just an insignificant passerby like many others, part of a huge crowd of forgotten faces...
Are you, or have you been who you think you should’ve been?
Think now of the role you want to play in the lives of others…and start doing it today!
Lesson learned: Focus on what I want to be to others rather than what I want others to be to me.
Lesson learned: Focus on what I want to be to others rather than what I want others to be to me.
You definitely have not been an unsignificant passerby in my life. I respect you because you chose to be you no matter what. Love you!
I think I'll opt for a double-focus: focusing on what I want to be for others and what kind of people I want around me.
There's no need to get frustrated with others because they don't meet our ideals or resist our efforts to change them. Everyone is on his own path, and we could be way off-base in how we'd rewrite his life. However, it's fine to assess someone's point in evolution and offer help for improvement, as long as we do it as a diplomatic friend rather than as a controlling authority figure.
Instead of criticizing our friends/family for their missing or undesireable qualities, it's more enjoyable to imagine them living at their higher potential. That fresh perspective can alter how we treat them and help to spur change in them ... and us.
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