And the flames purging my soul from sins both real and imagined formed blisters on the scalded skin, the once diabolical expression leaving behind the forgotten carcass of a tortured angel…
Imagine yourself with your eyes closed, feeling the urge to scream to the top of your lungs; once you open the twin orbs you find yourself chained to the bottom of a pool filled with stagnant water…
It is just like a preacher with the message of salvation roaming along an arid desert where no life exists…
An astronaut adrift in space whose helmet breaks after the explosion of his mother ship…
The last creature of an endangered species, barren…
A witness jailed by the judge himself…
What would a mentally handicapped patient would feel if his life would depend on his correct interpretation of the prophecies in all sacred books ever written…
It is hopeless…
…when the dictators indiscriminately questions all by torture
…when we face an unmerciful opponent we never intended to set to ire
How painful it is to see myself at a stake for a crime my judge imagines I commited. My voice falls to deaf ears, my hurting felt by a cold stone heart, my tears appreciated by empty eye sockets…
Lesson Learned: The inquisitorial judgement could only destroy, never create something of lasting value…
…now I understand why the Church had to be persecuted.
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