The stone castle walls, built after many years of hardship fighting off the winds from the past, withstanding the fiercest of sieges, crumbled like a scribbled piece of paper in a child’s hands after the earthquake was gone…
A man fends off the many wolves surrounding his cabin. He bleeds from wounds inadequately tended, but his maiden and child are well protected. Hungry beasts prowl on the outside in waiting. As they rest his new love chooses to leave the door open. She is not sure if to leave it open or not, she changes her mind every hour, claiming humans were created to be ‘free’…
Two enemy leaders made a peace truce against their warring nations’ will…
A mother grounds her children for a week and brings them presents that same day…
You feel good one day, you fell better the next, yet on the third day your problems resurface, they resurrect like people say about The Christ. It is true, problems don’t just disappear, they hide, and sometimes they become stronger. To survive in life not only do you have to strive to achieve your goals, you also have to ponder if your goal is true, if it will make you feel successful once you attain it. For all I know you can risk your life climbing the highest mountain in search for Jesus’ tomb only to find Mohammad’s.
Make sure your goal is well set, even more that your feet are well-grounded. The time of chaos is near, in fact it’s always there in some people’s lives.
Are you willing to risk your sanity for someone else’s? In the future they might be grateful to you, for they might be at your side caring for your wounds, or they might care for another’s...
Lesson Learned: If your life seems to become a checkerboard, make sure you make the right moves to keep your main pieces together, even if you need to sacrifice some pieces in the process…
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