‘Why do we dedicate time but not thoughts to ourselves?’
-The Puppet Master
Before reading more pick up a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil. If you don’t have access to them right now then wait, and read it when you have them available, you will then experience something that can change your life.
Now, with the paper and pen in hand…
Write yourself a song, dedicate yourself a poem.
-The Puppet Master
Before reading more pick up a blank piece of paper and a pen or pencil. If you don’t have access to them right now then wait, and read it when you have them available, you will then experience something that can change your life.
Now, with the paper and pen in hand…
Write yourself a song, dedicate yourself a poem.
Have you ever wondered what your life in its entirety is like? You surely have dwelled on the problems you face, on the moment you are living through right now. You may have ignored the rest, though.
Have you sincerely ever sat down to think how your life has truly been? Have you ever given much thought to the ‘who am I’, rather than to the 'what I want'?
Write it all down, as a brainstorm before editing it.
Though you may think yourself unskilled in this endeavor your life in itself will make a masterpiece of whatever you choose to write. It is the very essence of your self, of who you have learnt to be, what will give life to the piece you write. Be honest, for only then you will truly understand so much about yourself and you will be ready to face the world once again as you truly are, not as you want to be.
Write it here as a comment and contribute to the growth of others. Most importantly, know yourself, love yourself, teach yourself, and learn yourself.
Over many years, many changes
Faces in my life, most remembered
Battering illusions of the past
Playing my own disbelief
Preying prayers holding me together
Torturous hands tearing me in two
Supplication of iniquity
I’ve sinned against myself
I’ve trespassed my soul
Will I be the same forevermore?
Eyes searching upon the light,
Blessing touch of healing hands
Comforting words that ease the pain
That soothe the soul, that lick the wounds
Settling in, wandering settler
Achieving goals so far away
Hidden joy and hopeful song
Bursting through my chest
Lesson learned: Only by being honest to myself will I be able to start the journey to change what I must change to become who I must become.
Write it here as a comment and contribute to the growth of others. Most importantly, know yourself, love yourself, teach yourself, and learn yourself.
Over many years, many changes
Faces in my life, most remembered
Battering illusions of the past
Playing my own disbelief
Preying prayers holding me together
Torturous hands tearing me in two
Supplication of iniquity
I’ve sinned against myself
I’ve trespassed my soul
Will I be the same forevermore?
Eyes searching upon the light,
Blessing touch of healing hands
Comforting words that ease the pain
That soothe the soul, that lick the wounds
Settling in, wandering settler
Achieving goals so far away
Hidden joy and hopeful song
Bursting through my chest
Lesson learned: Only by being honest to myself will I be able to start the journey to change what I must change to become who I must become.
Ah, the eternal question ... "Who am I?". If ever there was one question to ask ourselves, it would most certainly be this. It's wonderful that you're bringing this up to our Awareness. And, I have to disagree with one point ... who we are is not a function of our past, our experiences (especially our interpretation of them, which is highly subjective!). The only answer which truly fits the question is ... "I AM". Not, I am this, or I am that ... simply "I AM". This is the true name of God, in his declaration to Moses, "I AM that I AM". And, it is the sourcing essence from which all consciousness flows, the Kingdom of Heaven within each and every one of us. Namaste.
Good, I am not trying to tell people who they are, I just want tthem to think about who(or what) they are. As i mention in my previous blogs I don't think we are a collection of past experiences, we are much more than that. My intention is to try and make people analyze themselves, their lives, their everything, so that they can stop living a fruitless life and start living for real.
I thought I knew,
So many things.
The answers to questions,
The hard thought solutions.
With a mind set in stone,
And limitless opinions.
For the world I set forth,
Life's challenge in my sights.
And with all that I had,
With all I could muster.
I fought, I suffered, and failed.
Battered and weary,
I fled in retreat.
And in that dark hour,
No friends, no pride, no hope.
God's Grace shown upon me,
And led me to the door.
The Truth is I know nothing,
All my stories aren't what's real.
Who's to say what lies before me?
And do I even care?
It's from Faith I live this life now,
Who I AM is God in me.
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