Monday, October 19, 2009

Falling leaves...

To: Jeff, I am with you in these tough times, my friend...

When the last leaf falls,
When the last breeze leaves,
I’ll be there for you again,
You’ll be there again with me,

When the last leaf falls,
When the fall does leave,
Memories will stay,
They will reign supreme,

When the last leaf falls,
When the last star shines,
Endless time will stop,
It will let us be,
Losing all control,
And its icy grasp,
Hurrying every step,
Of our so called life

When the last leaf falls,
And your earth turns dry,
When there are no tears,
For there’s only peace

When the last leaf falls,
And I’m no more a child,
When our hair turns gray,
Our dreams not as wild

When the last leaf falls
When my eyes do close
You will wait for me
When my last leaf falls…

Friday, October 16, 2009

Inglorious glorification...

'For my part, I consider that it will be found much better by all parties to leave the past to history, especially as I propose to write that history myself.'
-Winston Churchill

What has been the greatest of achievements you've had in your life so far?

Many people have done great things...
Others think or feel they have done great things...

What matters is not how big or small, rather than it was a glorious moment. Sometimes we feel everyone needs to know about it that moment.


It is because we unconsciously believe that is THE ONE greatest moment. Perhaps we do unconsciously feel no other moment like this will come. And hardly another will come, for in our accepting our 'maximum' we don't strive to achieve it.
Maybe it is because in our self-depreciation we revel in the recognition from others. In any case we are as foolish, senile storytellers of old, telling all around us about what happened so long ago nobody really cares to listen.

We need to be proud of our achievements, of course. However, when those accomplishmentst tower over the way we perceive ourselves it is almost impossible to escape their shadow. We are then engulfed, kept from achieving anything greater by our own effort.

The past is passed, the past is history. It's good to know it and enjoy it, but it shouldn't rule us.
Let your glorious past be a guide to things you want to do, and do even greater things. Do not let it determine that that's your moment, and all that's left is to be forgotten...

Lesson learned: I will not be seduced by the ephemeral hands of past glories, lest I become a statue in Medusa's lair.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Ocean pacific...

Morning time, I lie awake
With no desire but to breathe
And no goal in mind but to take
A plunge in ocean deep

The constant motion
At bewitching hour
Making me prisoner
Of your heart's desire

My curse undeserved
But well received
As every day I see
Your eyes in that ocean

So as I watch the orbs
The enchanting twins
I'm at peace, feeling

I become victim
Willing sacrifice
To sorceries eternal
Of smiling charms

I know they're near
Though they are far
So in between
All I have to think

It's late at night, I lie awake
With no desire but to breathe
And no goal in mind but to take
A plunge in your eyes so deep

Pack tactic…

‘The only way to make a man trustworthy is to trust him’
-Henry Stimson

Even in our most desired independence we are but a conglomeration of characteristics of those around us. However, not the traits, but the amount of each is what define us.

And who are those that help define us? Who are those that surround us? Most importantly, who are those we surround ourselves with?

Out of those around, who can you trust? Who can you truly trust?

To many, the concept of fully trusting other people is difficult to conceive. The main excuse for not trusting others is that ‘others can hurt/disappoint me’.
There are several things to note in that last phrase:
1. What negative trait we see in others, on very many occasions, are negative traits we possess, dislike, and conveniently overlook (think of it next time you criticize someone else).
2. We are giving others the power to determine how we’ll feel.
3. Most importantly, others do not disappoint/hurt you, YOU CHOOSE to feel hurt or disappointed.
4. Time and time again has been proven that those who do not fully trust cannot be trusted themselves.

Wolves live in packs; they are the perfect example of unconditional love, respect, and complete trust. Each one understands their role in their society, and contributes his best for the betterment of the pack as a whole. Every member of the same pack, from the leader to the last one, can trust each and every wolf to do what they must to do preserve the integrity and functionality of their family, thus improving their chances of survival and success. They will surround an opponent, and the same will be defeated by being attacked only by those who can see the weak points. In the meantime the opponent is confused by the unity of the pack.
Everyone’s contribution leads the plan to fruition.

Think of who do you trust enough to have as part of the pack you call your LIFE. Who contributes something useful? Who will lead you to failure? Maybe there’s time for some changes.

Lesson learned: Surround yourself with those people you trust, and trust those people you surround yourself with.