Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Black diamond…

‘Only you know your true worth’

-The Puppet Master

Who are you?

Let me ask you again, and think carefully…WHO ARE YOU?

How long did it take you to answer? Did you answer promptly? When we hesitate, is thought, we are showing insecurity. Hesitating, however, brings us a brief moment of rethinking that could end up in a great time of respite.

Are you a young man who’s striving to study? Are you a simple person who works at a store? Are you a woman who’s living the moment? Perhaps you’re an old man who’s feeling tired, or a housewife who’s sad. Maybe you’re an adult female who’s lonely…

Think about how you describe yourself.

I think…wait, let me correct that! I KNOW you are much more than that. Maybe you have been through Hell and back again, but what’s important is not the journey you’ve taken, it is who you are because of that journey.

Have you figured why I asked you this question? Well I have because you, and ONLY YOU know your true value. Coal is a potential diamond.

Who am I? I am a man, a young professional who thought my true worth depended on other’s view of me. God, I suffered for it badly, and lived through a desert that drained my spirit, that wounded my soul. Despite it all I have chosen to stand forth, to look up, thank God and to help others in similar situations not to open their eyes(as it will depend on their own disposition to learn), but to see that there is always another way of seeing things, and themselves.

Now, I ask you, once again, WHO ARE YOU?

Lesson learned: We should all be jewelers, for we are all jewels.

Friday, November 16, 2007

Losing it...

‘The greatest loser of all knows he’s losing something valuable, yet does nothing to keep it’

-The Puppet Master

The Cravers…

…that would be another, perfect name for the human race. We want more and more each day. We consume, we buy, we even own more than we can handle.

Take for example books. How many of us own books? Are we reading them all at the same time? If not, why do we keep them? They occupy space in our closets, lots of it. We sometimes think they will be useful in the future, but then we don’t ever open them again. Why don’t we give them to someone else who could make good use of the material inside? Even before finishing a book we’re already on the prowl, searching for the next text to feed our craving eyes.

We are so difficult to satisfy.


Are we ever satisfied with what we’ve got? Maybe we have found a great partner, someone worthy to be described in a fairy tale, someone so perfect it must have been ‘sent by God himself’. Sadly, even that is not enough. As time passes by we occasionally get so used to that someone’s presence that we don’t even notice that same old person was the one that swept us away in the beginning. We are ‘satisfied’ by the mere thought of a different person at our side, on our bed, on our lives.

Open your eves before it is too late and decide. What is worth keeping?

Lesson learned: Loss can be a great, yet a stern teacher.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Lone wolf...

The coward dies a thousand deaths, the brave man...only five hundred.
-Meredith Willson

Why does a wolf howl at the moon?

Have you ever wondered why?

In the eternal search for ourselves we wander, aimlessly at times. Throughout the dank, dark forests of our lives we sometimes see roads that seem to lead to our final destination. Occasionally, and sometimes more than we want it, the road ends on a broken bridge, on a sabotaged dam. We, with our ignorance, have been the perpetrators of such sabotage.

There are times when we must choose a small, forgotten winding trail through the dense woods. It may be the scariest place we’ve been, but only because we have chosen to see these difficulties as such, for we have seen a forest as a place people get lost, not as a great natural source of wood with which to build a campfire, or even a cabin to protect us from the impious weather.

Wolves howl not at the moon, the howl upwards so that the sound can be transmitted in 360 degrees from its howling point. It howls so that others like him can hear him in the distance when he has gotten lost. All sense of pride is abandoned, for a wolf is not foolish, it would rather announce he’s lost than risk never finding his way. They do it atop a rock, on bright nights mostly because amidst the darkness his way will be more visible.

Now other envious wolves can also hear the howl, and may search for him to kill the wanderer. Everything in life involves a risk.

Will you be brave and howl in the middle of your darkest hour? Or will you try to find the way on you own, in your foolish independence?

Lesson learned: ‘I will howl, and I will live’

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Green grass...

‘The grass is always greener on the other side’


At times you look carefully enough to notice the grass seems greener on the other side of the fence. What you don’t see as carefully is, though, that there's also barbed wire separating those sides, and crossing it can spell disaster. Not only is the crossing over treacherous enough, but as you make it you’ll notice the grass is just the same, it just seemed greener when the light of the sun shone upon it from a different angle.

Why look for a hidden treasure, why wish for what we don’t have?

We humans crave for more and more, our hunger never satisfied. Why don’t we instead take that same light and direct it to wherever we want it to shine. It is then when we will see we can be happy with what we have. The problem is not wanting more, don’t take me wrong, but when you can’t be happy until you catch that ever-fading dream you will never then be happy.

Fulfill your dream, but do it in yourself. Stop looking for your fulfillment anywhere else. Only you can fill your own void, permanently.

Lesson learned: The grass is greener wherever it is watered.

Temporal stasis...

‘If one thing’s uncertain is uncertainty’

-The Puppet Master

What happens next?

That’s a question we all fear. We, who strive to take control of our lives and environment, the strong human race which seem to be the epitome of evolution on this planet. We have conquered all, but we are conquered by fear.

The fear of loss, the fear of betrayal, the fear of starting again something that is doomed to fail…

Ignorance rears its ugly head, breeds fear, feeds it, raises it, and it sets fear free to roam and destroy us in its growing process.

Understand…set your mind to it. Accept things as they are, accept people as they are. Instead of expecting someone to change, why don’t we learn instead? Learn to deal with the problem, seek the solution.

Move, learn, grow, let go, send away, love yourself, enjoy life as it is, with the least of worries, and you will succeed in finding the happiness we all work so hard to get.

Lesson learned: No one knows what will happen next, but we can focus on what we can do whatever happens.