Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Aiming high...

Aim for the highest star you can…

We just came fresh out of graduation…
 We come back from a much needed vacation with new energy…
  Or we even wake up one morning with renewed vigor…
…ready for a new venture.
 The air is filled with excitement and perhaps a little bit of dread, which is natural (we tell ourselves), because every new venture involves a little risk.
What is that new goal you have set for yourself? What is that new dream you have pictured?
Throughout our entire lives we are told to aim high, to dream big. It is healthy to do so, of course, but it is healthier to remember that realism (different from negativism) is an important tool we’ll need if we are to succeed. There's a big difference between aiming high and being high, aiming.

So I say:
Aim for the highest star you can…
…but make sure your rifle has the range

Aim fir the highest star you can…
…after making sure there’s bullets in your gun

Aim for the highest star you can…
…and make patience your greatest friend

Aim for the highest star you can…
…and realize it may take more than one shot to hit it

Aim for the highest star you can…
…and remember  not to stall, shoot!!

Lesson Learned:  Success lies in the perfect balance between picturing a dream and reaching for it.