Monday, July 6, 2009

Dream on...

'All men dream, but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds, wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes, to make them possible'
-Thomas E. Lawrence

'It was just a dream' we hear say(when we are not saying it ourselves). With those simple words the magic of that moment is dispelled so that we, in the reality of our daily lives, can live on. We wake up, dress up, eat, and go to work/school, come home and go sleep...the next day it all happens again, and life becomes dull, and it all falls down to our looking forward to our vacations or retirement.

When, I ask you, did you stop dreaming? When did your thoughts of a bright future, of adventure, of loving, get replced by the boredom of your current daily life?
Some say you stop dreaming when you finally grow up...
Was Christopher Columbus a child, then, when he sought to conquer the seas to follow his dream? I believe he was not.
You stop dreaming when, for some reason, you start not thinking, but actively BELIEVING you have achieved all you can ever be, and then you become one more statue in the museum of our daily existence. A simple statue, just existing, just being there, to be seen.

You can surely remember every time you dreamed, or remembered a dream a feeling of joy permeated your soul. You basked in the light of that bright future that you saw for yourself.

Today, take a single minute to sit down, relax a minute, and dream...

Lesson learned: Dreams are the fountains of youth inside each one of us

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